Call for Papers

The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society 2015

Dates: August 25 – 27, 2015

Venue: Gyeongju, Republic of Korea

General theme: Bridging the Gap: The Promise of Politics in a Polarized and Fragmented World

RC42 special panels

Two general topics are proposed, but other suggestions are also welcome.

1. 'German unification after 25 years and lessons for Korea'

2. 'Security issues on the Korean peninsula and East Asian Region'

RC42 members: If you consider participating in the conference, please submit your proposal to me first, so I can arrange them in suitable panels and then submit them to the organisers.

graduate panel:

The RC also encourages graduate students to submit a proposal on any topic to give them an opportunity to present their research at an international conference.

Proposals and presentations in Korean or English are welcome!

Accommodation: The Korean Political Science Association (KPSA) will offer up to three nights of accommodation for all participants from abroad in a conference hotel.

Travel Grant: A limited number of travel grants will be available to assist scholars from developing countries. Travel grant recipients will be selected by the KPSA. For more information, please contact the organisers directly.

Please send proposals to Heike Hermanns ( by March 27, 2015, so I can submit the panels together to the organisers

I am looking forward to seeing you in August.